April 1, 2024
33% to 100 days! A little less than 10% completed this year (I just did the math it’s 9% complete for the year!
Wow let’s go!!!!
Yesterday was Easter and I did not journal. My daughter Quinn has also been sick. She got a tummy bug. Poor thing had to miss Easter yesterday. Her little sister Wren, however, was sweet and made sure to Easter egg hunt for her so she wouldn’t miss out.
So with Quinn being sick, Easter, and last week being spring break for the girls, my routine has been pretty much off. I’ve not gone to the gym.
But today marks a new day.
I’m doing a 90 day Sprint.
There is a good chance I will burn out a little bit.
But the whole point of it is to build some more discipline. I’ve been writing almost every day. I think I've missed 4 days at this point.
And I really want to transform myself in many areas of my life.
My body and health are one aspect that is important for me while I do this.
If you didn’t know this about me, I have a background in exercise and fitness. I don’t do anything career wise because I think the industry is too flooded, so I just use my knowledge for myself at this point.
I had hired a few fitness coaches in the last 6 months to help me kick things off, I learned some stuff, but wasn't quite ready to fully commit to the programs.
Am I ready now? I mean not really, but I’ll never be ready.
But all of April, May and June will be dedicated to following a program that I had purchased and working on my business.
The great thing with the fitness plan is that I don’t have to think about it too much. The person who created it laid it out really nicely. So I’m just going to follow that.
And for my business. I’m committed to reaching out to my facebook contacts who have kids or grandkids. Not sure how many I have, but I’ll aim for 40 today.
So I’m picking a messaging plan and just sticking to it for 30 days. From there I can get some data on what is working and what is not working.
I’m fully leading with my books. Because that is the brand I really want to build.
I am really nervous. Because I have no Idea what will come of it.
Here goes nothing!
But before I fully sign off,
Vision: To create a world where everyone is contributing their unique gifts to the world
Intention: To bring awareness to my books.
Ways of Being: Hopeful, light, expansive, drawn to the people who really want to read my books.
What am I committed to: Reaching out to 40 people today about my books
Prayer: Dear heavenly father, I pray for your guidance and blessings. Turning something small into something big. Just like the stone that took out Goliath. Just like the faith of a mustard seed that can move mountains. I believe that you put this vision in me and that you will do amazing things through me.
Much love,
Krystal Lavender